Jan 21, 2008

Re-Think Wallpaper

"Wallpaper" is a word that strikes fear in the heart of anyone that has been stuck living with some unfortunate paper for any given amount of time. For every "good" wallpaper there are 5 horrid ones.

Wallpaper can be a blessing. If you find one that moves you, it is like living with your favorite piece of art everyday. My dream Dining Room would be dressed in hand painted Gracie wallpaper.

Here are a few wallpapers from Walnut Wallpaper and Cole & Son that would be gorgeous in a Powder Room, Dressing Room, Dining Room, etc...


The Paris Apartment said...

I'm really enjoying your blog. What a gorgeous collection! Thanks for the inspiration!
ps: Would you like to exchange blog links?

Anonymous said...

I love the detail and delicacy of the fourth one down.

I never really liked floral patterns that much until I had to develop a floral logo and illustrations for a client and I'm finding it's given me a love for them now.

I also love the yellow and pink wallpaper...who knew those two shades went so well.

In the UK we have a new craze of wallpapering just one wall with something highly floral and bold, and then painting the rest plain. It looks really good.

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