Feb 11, 2008

Blog watch- Life in a Venti Cup!

Thanks so much to Franki Durbin- the brilliance behind the blog, Life in a Venti Cup for mentioning our blog today on her site. We loved her endearing title for the post- "Material Girls in a Material World"- I couldn't have phrased it better!

I recently discovered Franki's clever and stylish blog- full of insightful thoughts for the modern woman on all that is chic and trendy. I love how her blog doesn't just focus on one subject- she writes about anything from fashion in the home to fashion on the runway!

Her blog description says it all- "Life is too short to think small. So live large. Live with style. Live with adventure. Live venti. Written by Franki Durbin, the blog discusses style, design, modern culture and travel."

You really need to check out her blog- it's one of my favorite new finds in the blogging world and I am definitely looking forward to some more great posts to come from Miss Franki!


franki durbin said...

Thank you so much for the mention! Aside from your blog being gorgeous, I just love your unique approach to style and living life fabulously. Keep up the great work - both of you! And thank you again so much for the mention.

ciao bellas!

M said...

That's great, 'girls'! Good stuff ;) I'm off to go explore this blog.

Maryam in Marrakesh said...

Yes, Franki is most excellent!!! i am still waiting for her to give me a fashion makeover!

Material Girls said...

Haha! Well tell her I am next in line for that fashion makeover!

adesignaffair said...

Glad I stumbled on your blog today! Great posts!

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