Apr 17, 2008

Mini Lamps

My friend Lindsey brought my attention to these- Gorgeous Helen- comes in a set of three different wine shades that are designed for you to put over your wine glasses! (You put a small votive candle in each glass and voila! You now have an adorable centerpiece for your party) $20 for three shades


Ann said...

What a cool idea.

I like it...Easy and lovely...

Unknown said...

Wow What a really neat Idea. I will have to try this out.

Jessica Claire said...

what a cute invention!

Pigtown*Design said...

These are great... you can get super cheap wineglasses at ikea, so if you break them, who cares?

Material Girls said...

I know- I thought this was the cutest thing I've ever seen!

Alkemie said...

Oh how cute!

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