Jun 3, 2008

We've Been Tagged

(Bryce and I)

Thank you, Carolina for tagging Emily and I!  Here's a little bit about me....

What I was doing 10 years ago...
Well, I was finishing up my freshman year of High School in Funkytown (aka Fort Worth) and I know two things: 1.) I was playing a lot of soccer and 2.) I was very boy crazy, ha ha.  I believe this was about the time I realized that every time I walked into a room I would analyze it, and "redo" it in my head.  Doctor's offices, classrooms, public restrooms, friends' houses, my parent's house...it didn't matter, it was something I couldn't control (still can't).  I feel very fortunate every day to have found a career that matches my passion.

Five Things on My To-Do-List
1. Mail application for AKBD exam (Associate Kitchen & Bath Designer)
2. Pick fabrics for new pillows for bed.
3. Run - Everyday (Indoor Soccer season just started - behind my girly exterior is what I like to call "sporty spice" - yes, I do have gold, metallic, shin guards and they are awesomely bad.)   
4. File tear sheets from the latest round of magazines. 
5. Pack for our trip to Oklahoma to visit my in-laws (I starting working for my mother-in-law, a fabulous designer, well before I started dating her son) and their new house, yea! 

Snacks I Enjoy
I'm a salty girl, I crave bad things like french fries and queso, but I do really like a sweet after I've eaten something salty.  My mom, all 105 lbs of her, is a big proponent of eating three good meals a day without snacking (now this woman could out-eat a truck driver, sooo not fair).  I have started to snack more.  I usually go for cheese cubes with crackers, sugar free chocolate pudding, or baked cheetos.  I know I'm weird in that I'm not a big candy person HOWEVER my vice is peanut butta m&m's - I can't stop until my stomach aches.
Things I would do if I were a Billionaire
I think my husband would say that I could spend a billion dollars pretty quickly.  I would start my "empire," and more importantly, launch my future non-profit organization that helps under privileged families create an environment in their home that they are proud of (basically a very scaled down Extreme Makeover: Home Edition).  I would take all of my client's old furniture and reuse/redo for families that need some positivity in their life.  I would also give my mom a really fat paycheck to run the organization so I can focus on the designing the spaces (she would be really good at it).  We would travel ALL THE TIME starting with a trip to England so my husband can go to an English Premier League soccer game (preferably one Michael Owen is playing in), and we would have various homes all over the world.  I would make sure our parents had the homes of their dreams...give a lot away, make sure my future kids' will be taken care of (no spoiled brats though) and spend the rest, ha ha! 

Places I have Lived...
Denver, CO, Fort Worth, TX, Norman, OK, Houston, TX    

Person I want to know more about...Maison21, he is the funniest blogger ever!  I'm always laughing out loud and reading some of his lines to my husband!  


Anonymous said...

Great photo! Its nice to know what you look like.

Lauren said...

Thanks, Carolina!

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