Jul 21, 2008

Refresh and Renew

Almost everyone ends up inheriting at least one antique from your mom's-mom's-great aunt's-cousin twice removed that you are less than enthused about. I love this picture from Apartment Therapy because it shows a very traditional (probably stained in a former life) piece painted cream with a fun wallpaper behind the shelves. This is by no means a new concept, but I really like the pink and orange faux bois wallpaper for a super funky twist.


Jessica Claire said...

I LOVE hutches...

I adore the home office version from room service and my boyfriend's grandmother has a beautiful antique one

Visual Vamp said...

I love pink and orange! This is so pretty. It's my birthday today and I'm treating myself by reading my favorite blogs.

SimplyGrove said...

What a lovely piece!!!

Lauren said...

Visual Vamp, Happy Birthday!

It kind of makes me want to hit some estate sales and see what kind of jewel I can dig up...

Courtney said...

I inherited a piece identical to this, so it made me laugh! And yes, I'm trying to make it fit with our decor...great pic.

London Calling said...

I like this idea too and the piece looks so fresh.

Pigtown*Design said...

My mother's got a very good one of those, but I want one NOW and will paint it up like this one if I get it!

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