Sep 29, 2008

Hot for dots

I love finding similar high/low pieces....sometimes it's a given which is the more expensive one and other times, it's not so easy (which makes it great for those of us who find look alike pieces for half the price- especially in today's economy!)

Can you tell which one of these mirrors below is the more high end and which is the less?

Most expensive one is $2,270, the least is $129 and the mid ranged mirror is $199.

We love the circle motif- we see it everywhere these days! These mirrors provide lots of visual interest at every price point.

Can you tell which one is which?


Unknown said...

i'll take a stab- middle is most expensive. the reasoning behind that deduction is that side squares are smaller, so maybe that means mirror is much bigger. other than seeing item in person, i know of no other way to tell!

Brilliant Asylum said...

I am going with the bottom as most expensive. Tell, tell!

Material Girls said...

You were right Maison!

Middle is most expensive-

The Z Gall is least-

And the Lamps Plus one is right in the middle-

It is hard to tell though! Thanks for playing you guys! :)

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