Sep 13, 2008

Loves It!

Well after a split-second decision to head to my parent's house in Fort Worth to avoid Hurricane Ike, I am safe and sound (and we think our place is okay too).  I picked up a couple of magazines today and am loving the August/September Western Interiors.  This bedroom by a Material Girls favorite, Betsy Burnham, is just perfection!  The 1950's folding screen is amazing and I love the color scheme!  

I hope everyone is having a great weekend.  Be thankful for the "little" things like electricity... our Houston friends are sweatin' something fierce right about now! 


Jules from "The Roost" said...

Love the soothing palette, especially for a bedroom. Glad your safe and sound!

The Blushing Hostess said...

I love the screen. I also love the coverlet! This is the kind of room requiring a bedjacket and a white breakfast in bed tray! Where is Jeeves, and my coffee?! So pleased all is well!

Lauren said...

The palette is so soothing!

I know right, where is Jeeves when I need him?!

Anonymous said...

Where in Ft. Worth do your parents live? Mine are in the TCCU area (but I live in Savannah).

Visual Vamp said...

Glad the Material Girls are okay! Thanks for letting us know.
You're right, this issue of WI is really nice - and you picked a pretty image to share.

Meagan + Michael said...

I love your blog posts! I would love to see a blog post about kitchen tables!

Lauren said...

K Miller - My parents are in the Southwest part of town, but I went to high school right by TCU.

VV- It's actually the first WI I have actually purchased, and I loved it (esp. because they had a great kitchen and bath section).

Meagan - Glad you like our blog! Kitchen tables, that's a great idea!

Chichi and Luxe said...

Hi material girls...thought this was a lovely post. The colours are so delicate which is perfect for a bedroom setting - it's very refreshing. All the best!

Pigtown*Design said...

Glad you're all okay!

Amra said...

I am looking for an interior designer to help with a family home that I am building in the NYC area. It is a French-inspired home (circa 10,000 sq. ft.). Anyone interested in the project, please contact me at
Thank you,

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