Oct 8, 2008

Red River Color-Out!

It's that time of year again, the weekend where the Sooners battle/beat the Longhorns (otherwise known as OU/ TX)...or if you want to mispronounce it like my boyfriend/sister/brother in law, it can also be referred to as TX/OU.

Football is probably one of my least favorite sports but as a native Sooner, OU/TX weekend is always so exciting for us OU or TX grads here in Dallas- lots of people, lots of energy, and LOTS of color....

Crimson and burnt orange will be EVERYWHERE this weekend...and although we know who will win the game already :) , what color wins in your book?

These two colors (both Sherwin Williams):

Luxurious Red (SW 6314) representing OU
and Pennywise (SW 6349) representing TX

Burnt orange is supposed to be a hot color for fall...do you agree?

{Traditional Home}

{Traditional Home}

Then we have crimson as the opposing team...

{Point Click Home}


{Mrs. Blandings Blog}

It really is a tough decision and although I am a dedicated Sooner, I may have to lean towards the burnt orange side due to the allegiance of one very cute fan!

Which color would you rather put in your home if you had to choose and where would you put it?

Take our Color Poll on the right hand side of our home page and in addition to the big game this weekend, we'll see who wins the Material Girls "Red River Color-Out!"

Cheesy, I know, but for a girl who doesn't love football, you gotta find a way to make it interesting!!


Mango Gal said...

Burnt orange looks so pretty, however right now I have crimson all over the house, I guess I'm a crimson girl!

Juxtaposition Design said...

haha! I'm not a sports lover whatsoever but what a fun post!

Anonymous said...

i love these two colors together! My fireplace wall is painted crimson and the pillows on my butter yellow seating are both the crimson and the orange - very warm and inviting!
guess i'm in

laura @ so alaurable said...

I'm sorry, but it's TX-OU weekend! =) I hate to say it though, but I like the crimson better than the burnt orange in my home.

Swank Lighting said...

I gotta go with Crimson. But not why you intended. ROLL TIDE!!!

Sisters with Style said...

I'm pretty partial to Crimson! GO OU!!

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