Nov 21, 2008

Starting to collect early in life!

I don't have kids, but I can only imagine how tiring and boring it could be for a young child to go from store to store with mom looking for antiques!

I was reading this month's O at Home and found the number one way to entertain your child on shopping trips to the flea market while at the same time, buying you some time to shop! On each trip, let your daughter pick out a framed portrait for her bedroom. Pretty soon, she will have amassed a collection of fun portraits and also have some great memories she can take home of the fun time you all spent together!

Why didn't my mom think of that? Such a good idea (and considering that I have always wanted a feminine portrait wall but now don't have the money or time to build up a collection!) But imagine what it could have looked like if I had started one at ten years old!

What a fun way to get your youngster into decorating at an early age and agree to go shopping with you!

Above is ten year old twins Tallulah and Bellamy's room featured in O at Home- their mom would just tell them "Girls, find a picture of a lady" and look what they came up with! They also picked out the paint color (Ben Moore's Wild Orchid). What sophisticated girls!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sharing the art of collecting with your kids is a GREAT idea. My parents are art dealers so I grew up at flea markets and antique shows...and it was lots of fun to share that time with my family. I had learned to collect from a very early age and have had many great collections to show for it including bakelite radios/jewlery, cookie cutters, dolls etc. From there I became an art history major and interior the experience really affected my interests...the rest is history.

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