Nov 17, 2008

Trade Up!

Last year for Christmas, I got a copy of The Savvy Girl's Guide to Money from my mom- (was this supposed to be a hint at something?) I rendered it a coffee table book...along with my other random coffee table books I've gotten for Christmas that are collecting dust like Runnin' with the Big Dogs or How to be a Lady.

One day after the Christmas holidays settled down, I decided to open up the book to see if there was any useful info in it and I ended up reading the entire thing! The book explains how if you forgo your morning Starbucks run for an entire week, you can save a significant amount of money (it really does add up over an entire year) and spend it on something you've been wanting to save up for (like that tufted upholstered headboard you've always wanted or that gorgeous chandelier!)

Imagine how many rooms Brit Brit could have furnished if she didn't have her Starbucks frap five times a day?

Where am I going with this?
Well House Beautiful has a new web exclusive column called Trading Up: They say money can't buy you happiness, but if you're spending it anyway, shouldn't it go toward something that makes your home a happier place? While the economy is down, don't give up: trade up!

Interesting and alternate ways on how to put your money into something that lasts. Skip out on a first class plane ticket to Paris and instead buy your OWN seat to put in your home that you will have for years to come- read more on this article here

The ideas they have don't stop's a weekly column discussing alternate ways to spend money and making your House...well, beautiful.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

It's obvious that what these people writing "Trading Up" don't understand is that in an economy like this, people are having to forego their weekly pedicures for food on the table and paying rent, necessites in life rather than silly trinkets. Anyone who could afford a first class plane ticket in the first place most likely is not in a position right now where they have to worry about money.

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