Dec 29, 2008

Flashback 2008 Trends

Since the Material Girls love fashion so much, it has become a yearly tradition for us to do a post summing up all of the trendy styles of the season- looks that go for both fashion and interior design.

Last December we did a post called Flashback 2007 Trends using celebs as our fashion icons and this year we are going to present you with the same concept, but for 2008!

A lot of 2007's trends are still going really strong- metallics, animal prints, and gray hues. These fads don't seem like they are going anywhere, anytime soon.

Here is what we perceive to have been some of the most prevalent trends throughout 2008.....

The floral print seemed to have been taken to a whole new level this year. The long, flowy maxi-dress was a hit this summer as well as the shorter, knee length style.

Wallcoverings are back and are as stylish as ever! Displaying large, floral printed wallpaper brings the outside in and takes an ordinary and simple room from fab!
{Photo via This is Glamorous}


I have never been one to love primary colors- they always feel a little childlike and outdated to me; however, the red carpet ladies above prove me otherwise! Their primaries have lots of zing! I don't see any old or outdated looks here.
A bedroom in this month's Elle Decor gives a fun, fresh and updated look on the traditional primary colors.


Oh celebs these days! Walking around thinking that they are wearing the next Monet. Gotta hand it to them for getting creative with their attire! Leighton wears an "art print" mini dress above. It shows that she is fun, daring, and not afraid to wear her "art on her sleeve"!
Lots of celebs have been wearing this fashionable "art print" on their clothes this year...however, I think one star got lost in translation....

Did Demi accidentally let little Ashton get into her paint set?

Art has been around ever since the beginning of time of course- this is no new "trend"; however, abstract artwork is in fact one of my favorite kinds and mimics the graphic and vague celeb art prints that we have seen so much of this year in fashion.

{Photo above from Domino Magazine}


When metallics first arrived on the scene (about five years ago), gold was all the hype (and I have to credit Lauren for showing me her gold stilettos our senior year of college and introducing me to "the hottest thing in Norman, OK" the time) But as years have passed, while gold is still as popular as ever, silver has re-emerged as one of the leading metallics and gray has followed closely in its footsteps.

Earlier this year, Lauren and I wrote an editorial for Chic Today online magazine called "Silver versus Gold"- this was really fun for us to debate which was the better metal!

While designers and homeowners used to think of grey as being a color only Debbie Downer would paint her house, this hue has recently materialized onto the design scene as a fresh, new neutral! Use it with black and white or as a background for other bold colors such as light blue, deep orange, lilac, or even yellow. Gray usually renders itself to more of a modern space unless of course you use it in a Swedish type setting.

The room above was designed by Dallas' own Julio Quinones- (featured in Met Home)


Charlize looks amazing in this x backed, black dress. Actually, Charlize looks amazing in anything! This movie star siren can certainly pull off this look.

Bring a little piece of "Charlize" back home with you-

The "X Bench"- available on looks somewhat similar to the star's LBD. The X motif has just been everywhere this year.
{Image via Point Click Home}


Ikat has emerged this year as one of the leading trendy fabrics. Even large retailers like Pottery Barn carries Ikat pillows and upholstery. We saw it everywhere- celebs, fashion, homes. It was hard to open up a magazine that didn't have something Ikat in it!

This kitchen belongs to Erika of the Urban Grace blog- after debating between lots of different fabrics, she ended up getting a Lee Jofa Ikat fabric made into cafe curtains for her kitchen looks absolutely PERFECT for her kitchen. We love!


This year there was no shortage of feminine design. One minute we saw Eva Longoria on the red carpet wearing a big bow, the next, Natalie Portman was prancing around in a gorgeous ruffled dress.

Homes seem to take their cue from fashion, so it's no surprise that we spotted this beautiful ruffled table skirt in a photo of a feminine looking entry way from Absolutely Beautiful Things blog.

Lace, ruffles, bows, pastels- anything frilly was the theme this year!


You can always count on Rihanna, the ultimate representation of "rocker chic", to sport something edgy and fashionable. Whether it's a new haircut or leather jacket, Rihanna has been making fashion waves for the entirety of 2008!

This room by Candice Olson (taken from Point Click Home) does just the same thing. Daring and unexpected, black walls, a zebra, rug, and gold accents would make this room the ultimate competition on the red carpet.


Just the other week, I tried explaining to my mother what "ombre" was...we were at Tarjay and saw an "ombre" shirt and my mom was so confused- "you mean tie-dye?"

Here's a good definition I found of Ombre for you mom and others out there who might be unsure of this fancy French term.
'From a French term for "shaded," ombre is a color effect where the color gradually changes from light to dark over the item of clothing'

Angelina surely stunned those on the red carpet when she wore this Ombre dress (above). Although the ombre was very pretty, most were just very focused on if she was pregnant or not!

Cameron Diaz with the same trendy look...

There aren't a ton of homes I have seen this year with ombre, but the trend is slowly catching on. I found this image via Coco Kelley. Here, drapes fade from white to blue and give this dining area a nice, serene look.


Oh dear, this by far is my least favorite fashion trend of all! Had to save the worst for last, I suppose. I think the boyfriend jeans trend looks a bit messy and unkempt on celebs that normally look so polished! The photo of Katie above actually does not look so terrible with heels, but other photos I have seen of her and Posh make them look positively disheveld.

To ahieve the boyfriend look in your own home is not really just requires a very laid back atmosphere with neutral colors or using navy and reds. Of course, why decorate your own home in the boyfriend style when you can just use your boyfriend's!! (advice given to me by Katie Cruise, wearing Tom's jeans on the streets of NY)

And that's the top 10 trends! However, there was one more trend that we featured a few months ago on our blog, that has gotten a lot of hype and that is the Typography trend!

Statement t-shirts were everywhere on celebs this year-

I am so happy celebs wear statement t-shirts so I can know what's going on without even reading my Us Weekly!

Homes have mimicked this trend in decor- usually in art pieces, pillows, or other accessories. Nate Berkus' home seemed to have been a hit with bloggers and readers (especially the "word" art he has hung in the back corner)

In addition to letters, numbers are also used quite often.

And while another year is summarized in trends, here's to yet another...

Happy New Years everyone!


Anonymous said...

I am so happy you put everything out in the way you did.. I have seen that there are similarities but I couldn't say what exactly, I am happy to say you have opened my eyes, I'm waiting to see what you are going to post next :) HAPPY NEW YEAR

Jill Seidner | Interior Design said...

What a great post! You put an AMAZING amount of time and effort into your posts! Can't wait to see your flashforwards and flashbacks into 2009!! Happy New Year!

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