Dec 5, 2008

The Material Girls Challenge You to Challenge Us!

Today is the start of our monthly design challenge! It's a new giveaway that the Material Girls will host each and every month here on our site.

All of us designers at MG will give you guys the chance to challenge us each month. Do you have an irregular shaped floor plan? Are you stumped on what color scheme should go in your bedroom? Can't find any lighting you like? We pick the topic, you provide the home's challenge, we provide answers- easy as that! Free advice and inspiration to one of our readers each month (no matter where you live) from our practicing MG designers.

Here's the lowdown on the monthly challenge:

Challenge will be announced on the first of the month every month...this month's challenge is "Space Plan for your Living Room"

Designer: Jill Seidner
To enter our giveaway, all you have to do is email our MG blogger, Jill ( by the last day of this month (12/31) with these few things-
**Description of the room, why it is a challenge, and what is needed in the room

**Detailed room dimensions

**At least 4 images of all angles of the room

**Any existing furniture to be used (Dimensions & photos of these pieces)

**Also, any furniture that you would like to add to the room

After the first fifty entries or the last day of the month (whichever comes first), we will post a note on our blog that the giveaway submittal window has ended and Jill will go on to select the best Living Room space plan challenge.

On the 15th of every month, (January 15th for this particular challenge), we will post the winner along with the answer to the challenge. This month, it will be Jill who will provide one of our readers with an answer to their Space Planning quandry.

The MG designers will rotate each month, as will our chosen challenge!

So for every month, here is the "Challenge Calendar":

1st- Challenge announced

15th- Previous challenge winner announced on our blog as well as the solution to the challenge

Last day of the month- All entrants must be emailed to the designer who is taking on that month's challenge

Any questions? Email us! Thanks in advance for letting us into your homes and giving us the chance to be a part of your home's design!


Anonymous said...

You've just been given an “I Love Your Blog” Award! I'm a new reader of Material Girls, but it's already a great source of inspiration. Thank you for some fine blogging!

Go to to learn more.



Impressions by Nudrat Photography said...

I am so happy to find your blog. I found you two weeks ago and have been a recent visitor since then. Everything you post here is very inspiring. Thank you for keeping it up.

Karena said...

Hi girls, so good to find you and to see other Kansas City area bloggers at work; spreading the word on interior design. Come see me for an insight into art for your clients!

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