Dec 8, 2008

We are Thrilled and Honored!

It is one of the greatest entries into the Material Girls 2008 diary.....
A grateful and humbling thanks to Susie at eyespy.squarespace for her kudos and support of our blog by bestowing on us the "I Love Your Blog Award!"
This incredible honor comes with a huge and rewarding responsibility... to nominate a few blogs on our fav list to share and to pass along.
                                                              Here are the rules:
1.  The nominated is allowed to put the picture on their blogs.
2.  Link to the person who awarded you.
3.  Nominate seven other people + link to them.
4. Leave a message on those people's blog to make them aware that they're nominated.

So... here goes, after much consideration (and many hours spent surfing- but with all positive side effects for my clients!)
We have also followed Susies lead and hope to expose you to some new and uncovered gems.
Numero Uno:
This site expresses just what I am thinking about in my spare moments as the perfect architectural settings in exotic and breathtaking locations.  Once you bookmark this you will have a hard time recovering.
Numero Dos:
Brittnye sees things that are all bright and beautiful in a refreshing fashion.  Her posts are eloquent and provoking.
Numero Tres:
One of my favorite Chicago design magazines, Chicago Home + Garden has an intuitive and informative blog where you can find solutions to many of your design needs and to let you in on some secret haunts around the windy city.
Numero Cuatro:
Design Therapy has a stellar design sense that can transform you to another place!  What a wild and gorgeous ride!  Brad has an amazing design sense and energy abundant.
Numero Cinco:
When you check out anothershadeofgrey you will wish that you were the blogger.  What ideas and inspiration.  She rocks!
Numero Seis:
I am in awe of madebygirl!  Lots of ideas for holiday gift giving and beyond.
Numero Siete:
Last but not least in any blogway, thepeakofchic will make the lines blur for you between morning coffee and business power lunch.  Beware!  Jennifer is an Atlanta powerhouse.
Enjoy all and thank you again for all of your blog love this year!


Jen of MadeByGirl said...

Hey thank you : )

Jen Ramos
'100% Recycled DESIGNER Cards & More'

The Peak of Chic said...

Thank you, thank you! So kind, and the feeling is mutual. You're on my daily blog reading list too, and I adore your blog!

Britt said...

Thanks so much!

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