Jan 26, 2009

Design Trends Gone Bad

The Los Angeles Times featured an article in their Home & Garden section titled: "Bad design trends we hope die in 2009." They asked more than 20 Los Angeles based designers their opinions, here are some highlights:

Heavy drapery:

Fake suzanis:

Mass-produced, oversized, cheap leather club chairs:

Coral. L.A. interior designer Linda Allen says, “I’m coral-ed out. Can we date 2007 to 2008 the Coral Era, please, and get on to other organic items as accessories?”

Overly crackled, overstuffed, heavy Italian furniture:

Ornate gold frames:

Oversized sleigh beds:

Cubed ottomans and faux zebra skins. Suzan Fellman says: "How does a zebra print translate onto a cowhide rug?

Which trends do you agree/disagree with? Which trends might you add to this list?


Nick Klaus said...

Hey, love the blog, especially the interior design parts! Oh there are so many trends that need to die quick deaths.
Wallpapers that look like things straight from the 70s (large geometric patterns, clashing colors or combinations of he two).
Mixing patterns badly.
painting/fabric-wrapping things that needn't be painted or fabric-wrapped.
and Photo-realistic depictions of flowers or trees used as decor elements (in wallpaper or on pillows etc).
I've got a blog dedicated to the subject of trends that are done badly: http://stopthe70s.blogspot.com

Jill said...

Totally agree with the fake suzanis. I've been collecting them for years and I wish it had not turned into a "fad". I don't agree with the cubed ottomans or zebra printed cowhides though. They don't bother me at all. I think bad faux painting needs to be wiped off the face of the Earth.

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