Jan 15, 2009

Expect the unexpected from MM

One of the most daring designers out there has to be Mary McDonald. She does not care if a piece is "high" or "low", she isn't afraid to paint zig zags on the floor, nor does she hesitate when pairing colors like navy and rose.
She does what she wants, and does it quite well I might add!

She is most definitely a designer style icon of mine. She knows how to dress a space- no matter how unpredictable, glam, bold, ornate, bright, geometric, dressed up, or casual it is, she nails it every time!

Her guest house in particular struck a chord with me in this month's Domino...what I wouldn't do with that much space, style, and funds to furnish and decorate a guest house like that!

Here are some summarized design "tips" we picked up from Mary (via the Domino article)

MM's Design Advice 1- Define a room with hardware store bought moulding.

MM's Design Advice 2- Pair classics with the "ridiculous"

MM's Design Advice 3- When designing a room in a monochromatic scheme, add a shot of contrast

MM's Design Advice 4- Don't be afraid to go bold on the floor

MM's Design Advice 5- Don't be afraid to get a little funky in areas that normally lend themselves to the expected

MM's Design Advice 6- Start neutral, then pile on the accessories

MM's Design Advice 7- Cheat by using both high and low end items...(by low, does she mean the Z Gallerie Estrella Tealight Holder on her coffee table? If not, they sure look similar!)

MM's Design Advice 8- Collect objects (from around the world) in all the same hue to form unified and sophisticated displays

The sky is seriously the limit with this guest house....and her besties get to stay here? Where can I sign up to audition for "Mary McDonald's My New BFF" reality show?!


Anonymous said...

I am in love with that last room! I'm seriously considering that color scheme for my own dining room I'm working on. If only it would turn out that beautifully...

Anonymous said...

Wow her designs are amazing and very out there, I just find them a little to busy for my taste though. They are very unique and brilliant.

Jill said...

The dining room is my favorite. I use mine as a library/dining as well...the green porcelain is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the advice “pair classics with ‘ridiculous’.” Totally fearless. My favorite room is the kitchen with its flamestitch walls. Scrumptious!

Anonymous said...

How cool are the horizonal stripes on the walls of the living room photo? Love it! I think I might use that as inspiration in one of my display windows!!

Anonymous said...

That bathroom floor is awesome! so unexpected but totally works at the same time...Is it just paint on concrete and then some kind of sealer on top?

Material Girls said...

I think the consensus is that her house is unbelievable. Wish I lived in a house that gorgeous...

Anon- not sure how she did it- it didn't say- if you find out somehow, do keep me posted!

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