Jan 26, 2009

Henredon Outlet

So my husband and I were running errands yesterday and I spot a sign that says, "Henredon Outlet."  Like a moth to a flame I can't resist anything with "furniture" and "outlet" in the same breath.  The store closed at 5:00 pm and it was 5:04, but they let me in anyways.  I was just dying of curiosity.  Apparently it opened this past Friday and was stocked with TONS of "excess" and "overflow" merchandise.  The very first thing that greets me is my DREAM Ralph Lauren bachelor chest (retails at almost $10,000) marked down to $3,629.  If only I had a spare $3,700 lying around (oh and they had at least 2)...
Sorry for the lack of photos, I was literally racing through the store, husband in tow, trying to take it all in while attempting to fend off the eager salesmen.  

The console is a major statement piece.  I think in the right space it wouldn't feel as vulgar as it did in a furniture outlet emporium.  Context people, context.  I thought $799 seemed pretty decent, I mean it was massive.  

Those were the two pieces I was immediately drawn to.  If you are in Houston and want to check it out visit the store located off Westheimer @ Post Oak across from the Galleria (next to Marshall's).  


Pink Wallpaper said...

oh wow!! i would love to go there...i found a vintage baker chest that looks very similar to the RL one for $125 at a flea market.

Anonymous said...

I like the chest. So perfect for my place. thanks for sharing it.

Lauren said...

Jan, you should snatch it up!

I would looove to find a similar vintage piece, I'm jealous!

Jill said...

It's in Houston!! I'm going to visit my parent's for my birthday in February. I'm sooo glad you posted this!!

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