Jan 16, 2009

How Cool is This!

This home, my home, has recently been included on the roster for the Spring House Tour of the Wilmette Historical Society.  The Society just passed along this image of my home from a real estate listing dated 1905.  How beautiful the house looked then in all of it's grandeur.  How much it has changed since then!  Who was responsible for those changes...and why?
The feeling of merely being the curator of a piece of history is daunting.  What would the family that built this home think about it now?  I know that we have never been happier.  We hope that that would make them proud. :)
Looking forward to showing it to the historically interested on May 17.


Caroline said...

This home is magnificent! It reminds me of my dream house with its beautiful architecture and white picket fence. To think it is so old-it has certainly aged well!

Material Girls said...

Sorry I accidentally deleted Patricia's comment!

Patricia Gray has left a new comment on your post "How Cool is This!":

What a beautiful house you have. I wished I lived there as I would be first in line!!

Anonymous said...

Great house Julia! It is so cool to have the old image. So often the history is lost.

Anonymous said...

The transformation is incredible, Julia. Your home is truly beautiful. I am so impressed with the architecture and the cute little porch!

Anonymous said...

How cool to see the original. I wish there was a photo for every decade. Can't wait to see images from the tour. I can't get enough of your fabulous home!

Anonymous said...

Thank you susieq!
I will definitely send you tour photo's.
Road trip?!

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