Feb 4, 2009

Don't make me beg Domino!

I have been so utterly devastated this past week over the shut down of Domino. I am still in shock and it hasn't quite hit me fully yet that I will never get an issue of my favorite magazine ever again.

I have expressed my sadness to the outside world (meaning non-Domino followers) and they just don't understand!

So then I found this self help group/crusade to Save Domino!!

What? There are other design aficionados out there like me who have lost sleep over the untimely and unexpected demise of everyone's favorite shelter magazine?...Apparently!
Join in the fight to "Save Domino"- a blog fully dedicated to Domino's resurgance!

1 comment:

The Winns said...

this sucks I just bought a year subscription and there is no contact info for a refund:(

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