Feb 17, 2009

Mixing Science with Design?

A new study published 2/5 (and written about in The New York Times) found that red makes people more cautious and detail-oriented and blue makes people more creative.
Hmm well my office is painted blue- so does that ultimately influence my creative sense and make me a more imaginative and artistic designer? Well, according to the study, it just might!
But on the other hand, just reference Alessandra Branca's bold red office, I don't think she of all people is lacking in the creativity department!

I think along with being creative, designers have to be detail-oriented and on top of things- otherwise our projects would never come to fruition! With all the invoicing, material samples, purchase orders, measurements, specifications, taxes, and about a million other things that we have to keep track of (along with those extra things that keep piling up on our desk!) most designers seem to be very meticulous anyways- whether their office is painted red or not!

Mary McDonald must be soaking up all of that creative energy within her pretty blue office.

Most days I need to use my right AND left brain. It seems that no matter how creative a person is, a designer still needs to be on top of her game! No wonder Drew Barrymore is so smart AND inspiring- her office is red AND blue!

So apparently certain colors "do a mind good"...there's no doubt that Drew has the best of both worlds in here!

And that concludes our science lesson for today...


Anonymous said...

its very elegant and impressive

Anonymous said...

Very interesting! I'm going to mention your ideas in one of our upcoming posts. Thanks for the inspiration!

Persian Tea said...

i'm pretty much in LOVE w/ that last picture. ahh the baby blue, the red, the silver...so inspiring!

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