Feb 11, 2009

Perfect Backdrop For Valentines Day Pillows!

The response to MG Abby in NYC was so great that I thought it might be fitting to add some Valentines Day furniture options for all of the fabulous pillows that she discovered and passed along to us...Numero Uno has got to be this "Red Lips Sofa by Bocca.  Do you think that it is too late to order for delivery on the 14th?  
Maybe you feel like being alone on Valentines Day for a change...less stress....but still great pillow choices as company....
This combo red hot seating includes your very own musical accompaniment!  Bring on the bubbly.
Cozy two seater aka "Love Seat" :)
Although these chairs seem a bit "cool" they look as if they could actually connect in some sort of way...share a pillow anyone???
Could use a bunch of your favorites here.  Call some peeps and have a cosmo par-tay!
This chair is just screaming for a comfy pillow!  Best if used as part of a set.  Look stackable for last minute guests.
Happy Valentines Day to one and all...however you may decide to celebrate!


Anonymous said...

So cute, Julia!! I definitely want everyone one of those chairs/sofas!! Happy Heart Day!!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice, it's so cute and a little bit funny.. lovely design.

Anonymous said...

Love the theme and the instrument!

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