Feb 20, 2009

This Week's Giveaway: A Custom Silhouette!

I love silhouettes in any shape or form...I think they are so timeless and there is so just much you can do with them!

Vinyl Silhouettes is a company who makes really cute custom decorative silhouettes from personal photographs, that look similar to hand painted artwork.

And they have ever so generously offered to give away a custom made silhouette to one of our MG readers!

Winner will get a custom head profile decal of one of your loved ones- child, pet, etc. It can be any color that Vinyl Silhouettes offers on their website and can be any size up to 30" tall. (be sure to visit their website for lots of great silhouette placement ideas!)

To enter our giveaway, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post letting us know your favorite vinyl silhouette color that they offer!

The giveaway will last from now until next Thursday night, 2/26. Winner will be chosen at random and will be announced Friday, 2/27.

Thanks for playin!

**And one more thing we need! If you aren't registered on blogger, please provide us with a contact email so we can contact you if you win. Thanks!!**


Lisa said...

Oooohhh, I love the ice blue! They are so cute.

Anonymous said...

I love the dark brown!

Anonymous said...

Lilac, definitely!

Stacy said...

Limetree green, super fresh

Anonymous said...

Love the pink!

Anonymous said...

They're all so cute! I think light brown does it for me...


Idaho Jill said...

Hard Decision, but probably pink, thanks!

Idaho Jill said...

Blogged about it here: http://tinyurl.com/b7tbmc

Amber Dominguez said...

love the soft pink! reminds me of cotton candy :)


Lisa said...

The king blue is so pretty and bold!


Melissa said...

I love the lime tree green - it screams spring.

Unknown said...

I love the dark red

Anonymous said...

If I had to pick...violet, otherwise, I like the dark brown, too.

Sarah's Fab Day said...

It's a toss up between the Signal Yellow and Limetree Green, but I think Signal Yellow is my pick.

Anonymous said...

Dark brown without a question!


Anonymous said...

I love silhouettes too. Black silhouettes in white back ground is my pick.

Anonymous said...

Hi! great post and very cute ideas! I would have a silhouette made of my almost two-year old daughter in pink!! also love your outdoor photos - very inspiring! thanks!

Tracy L said...

Love both the Mint and dark grey!!

Anonymous said...

Light pink- soft and pretty!

Anonymous said...

I vote for violet!

Paris P said...

My vote is for Red. Love the idea of making Silhouettes from a profile blowing a kiss. Super cute!

Anonymous said...

Light Brown.


Anonymous said...

Pink for me!

Stacy said...

Lime-tree green is a fun color for sure,though there is nothing like a classic black silhouette.

Impressions by Nudrat Photography said...

Dark brown for me :))

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