Mar 31, 2009

Just Like a Circus...

Still very sad over the fact that I'm not at the Britney Spears Circus concert tonight in Dallas. I would have loved to have gone- the sets, the costumes, the energy...her COMEBACK! But alas, the tickets were sold out too quickly and I am instead left with only sketches of Miss Britney in her crazy costumes designed by the Dsquared twins and the tales from those who went..

How could I have missed this??

I think the circus theme is just too much fun. One of my favorite books is Water for Elephants, which I hear is being made into a movie...can you imagine how imaginative and colorful the sets on this movie would be?

What if you and your family lived in a real life circus? (no, not as carnies) What we mean is, what if your home was originally the winter headquarters for John Robinson's Circus (back in 1840) and your address was One Circus Place?

Hey, it could happen! At least it did for the Worples' family. I will never forget this entertaining story that was in Traditional Home not too long ago.

Who would have thought that this normal looking Terrace Park, Ohio home would house such interesting roots?

The family said that they have definitely embraced the circus theme because of the home's history...and it's certainly apparent in their home! Brightly colored solid fabrics as well as lively contemporary prints adorn their furniture. They have taken the circus theme and modernized it in a whole new way.

Raspberries, lime greens, aquas, and hot pinks are everywhere! Hot pink velvet chairs above are Designer Guild and the ottoman is upholstered in a Manuel Conovas striped fabric.

What a fun house to grow up in! These rooms have so much vibrancy. As you can see, the homeowners interjected small accents of circus memorabilia without clowning around too much.

The family room is equally as fun as the rest of the house! Bold and vivid, I wouldn't have any problem hanging out in here.

I love this wall color!

The landing's curtains provide that extra jolt of color in the small space.

Harlequin vases on the dining room mantle provide some circuis flare! (they were given to the homeowners by their interior designer)

I wouldn't recommend the circus theme in a normal residence; however, it definitely works here!


paperjunk-lc said...

Lovely house except for that clown picture. Clowns kinda scar me.

Lauren said...

that's such a fun home! it's a little matchy-matchy for my taste. you can tell it was done by a design firm rather than gathered by the homeowner...but still, i love the subtle theme and bright colors!

Down Comforter said...

The circus theme sounds kind of scary, but it's really pretty inside :)

MGMGMW said...

I absolutely love everything about it! Boldness, yet not overwhelming, fun w/o being childish, the space is planned out very well, and the lines of everything are so clean and tailored. Do you know who the designer was?

Material Girls said...

Betty Murdock, Betty Murdock Interiors, 3603 Center St., Cincinnati, OH 45227; 513/561-5060.

In general, clowns kinda scare me too! But the house is beautiful.

Renée Finberg said...

circus theme..hmm..........

i love it , but i am terrified of clowns.

xx have a great weekend

Daniella said...

I went to Britney's concert in Toronto and she was sooooooo good! It really was a circus!

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