Mar 24, 2009

Looking At Things From Two Angles....

 But it is really only one "angle" seen in two ways!   This modern twist on the age old "silhouette" is the work of Chicago photographer and artist, Maggie Meiners.
Maggie can be commissioned to provide you with art that will last the test of time- with a whole lot of personality.  After she snaps a photograph of your little darlings,  she quickly adds any pantone color  of your dreams for the image and background. The likeness is truly amazing! 
Now if I could only decide which colors to go with... neutral, metallic- or a bold, colorful pop......What if the children will want to hang in their homes one day.....Which colors will best stand the test of time?  


Material Girls said...

Awww cute! Are these your kiddos?

I think I like the bold, colorful ones- their silhouettes stand out more and they are so fun and funky! But I guess it really depends what type of room they are going in too. Decisions Decisions!

MFAMB said...

i can't decide and seem to (in my mind) be able to make a strong case for all of them. i guess that means which ever one you choose will be a winner.

Anonymous said...

I like the pop color ones!!!! Andy Warhol-esque!!!!
Are those your children???

Caroline said...

They are all exquisite! The choice definitely depends on the choice of frame and placement. From admiring the rest of your work, I envision spunky and bold colors in your home Julia. My vote is for the first three-good luck!

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