Mar 7, 2009

Modern Kitchen Source

I thought I would take the opportunity to showcase a kitchen design product line from Germany called Uro Kitchens. The line is represented here in Los Angeles by a colleague and friend of mine, Morgan, who often assists me with kitchen design projects for clients of mine. Morgan is extremely competent when it comes to understanding kitchen design and specifications along with knowledge of appliances for kitchens having a great deal of experience both working for high end kitchen design companies along with it being a family business. On a recent kitchen remodel, I asked Morgan if she wanted to bid her product but my concern was my client being on a budget. She introduced me to a line she has acquired which features the same look for a fraction of the cost with a better lead time.

The Uro line is similar in quality and specification as some of the other high end European kitchens but it is a fraction of the price. Many of my clients who are knowledgeable of some of the other high end kitchens from Germany & Italy are concerned with the cost factor but with the Uro kitchen line, the price points are much more competitive. I've found as a designer trying to provide a good value for my clients along with the aesthetics - this is a great product to introduce to my clients. There are some limitations as far as no custom colors or sizes, but by providing specific dimensions the company will configure a kitchen layout that best incorporates the function and needs of the client along with the specifications of the product line. Production and lead time runs 4-8 weeks and that for a European product is typically unheard of. All in all, I think if going for the look of a modern high end kitchen - this is definitely a product to consider.

For more information & to receive pricing info based on your specific kitchen please email to:


DesignTies said...

Great resources - thanks!
Victoria from EdinDesigns @ DesignTies

Anonymous said...

Great kitchen! Enjoying your blog, thanks!

Anonymous said...

Great kitchen! Enjoying your blog, thanks!

Anonymous said...

You have some interesting concepts. I have been designing a new kitchen and bathrooms for us for some time now and searching the Internet for ideas. I do have a leg up on most, though, because I'm a cabinetmaker, so I can do my own cabinetry, which is the heart of a kitchen. One of the things I have been finding, though, is that there are just a ton of ideas out there. I have been working on this for some time and trying to share my ideas with others. I have hopes of a glorious kitchen for us. But we'll just have to see how it turns out.

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

I really need a professional to help me in remodeling of my kitchen. I am looking for the kitchen remodeling contractors los angeles. Could I expect help from your or your friend.

Anonymous said...

can't find URO KITCHENS-
could you get exact address or info

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