Mar 4, 2009

OC Event

For any of you in the OC, there is an event at Lightopia sponsered by Riviera Interiors. (Click on image to enlarge to view invite.)

(On a side note, I am curious to know if we in fact have an "audience" in Orange County. Being that I am an OC native (but also a long time Angeleno) and that I am "bi-coastal" (ok, that's a joke but I do spend my time between OC & LA) - I would love to know if we have readers in the OC and if so, I would be happy to feature more blog posts on OC in addition to LA. Thanks in advance for any feedback!)

1 comment:

Sutton Stracke said...

I'm in the OC - Laguna Beach to be exact! I have contacted y'all before. From Augusta, GA originally!

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