Apr 1, 2009

Country Living's New Look!

As a lot of our favorite shelter magazines have unfortunately bitten the dust within the past year, it's refreshing to hear of other magazines re-inventing themselves with a whole new look. The May edition of Country Living will be the first issue under editor-in-chief Sarah Gray Miller.

Providing readers with an escape from their hectic daily lives, the revamped magazine will consist of monthly makeovers, craft ideas, a shopping section, and not to mention, CL discounts! Who doesn't love a discount?

May's magazine cover makes me want to sit on my non-existant front porch and sip a glass of lemonade. It just looks so nice and pleasant!


Musette said...

I have avoided CL because I assumed it was all gingham and quilts - not quite my scene. Glad to see I was wa-ronng!

Will be checking it out - thanks for the nudge!

bluehydrangea said...

Country Living? I saw it today at Target and didn't even pick it up. I am going to have to go back and get it. I need something to fill the magazine void!

Anonymous said...

Look at the April issue of Country Living. A clororful(pink!!!), ececltic summer house!! very un-Cottage Living.
See what you think.....

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