Apr 29, 2009


So, I know I'm suppose to be writing about NY, but I LOVE this LA store Room Service, which looks like it took all of the cool furniture and design inpiration from Kelly Wearstler's Maison 140 and made it accesible to buy! Hooray! I am a HUGE Kelly Wearstler fan, aren't we all, but I SWEAR I loved her WAAAAAY before she became so famous! Kelly, I LOVE YOU!!!
Anyway, back to my blog....So, I'm sure you have all seen Maison 140 pics a million times over, but take a look at this montage and compare to the pics from the Room Service store below. They really nailed her look and they seem to be trying to make it somewhat affordable (for now anyway).
Maison 140...been there, done that (and I want to do it again, and again, and again...)

This bedroom vignette is a total take off on Kelly Wearstler's style, but that's ok because I LOVE HER!!!...did I say that already?

Aspen Sofa $1995

Black Riviera Chair $1,3595 ea...ok, well these are a little pricey, but soooo HOT!

SOOOOOOOOOOOO Kelly, but they funk it up a little more with the mod pieces. Definitely her colors and patterns though!

So, Room Service, if you're reading this, PLEASE COME TO NYC!!
Oh, and Kelly, if your reading this, I LOVE YOU!!


Deanna said...

Those are great photos, thank you for the post. It is fun to look at. Thank you so much.
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"

♥ juhairah ♥ said...

helo there, i just got to know about kelly wearstler from you since i found out your blog. and i'm getting admiring her design and idea. and actually i'm a 2nd year student who just majoring in interior design :). hope to have some knowledge and inspiration from your blog :)

Melissa said...

I just love the black and yellow bedroom! So dramatic!

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