Apr 5, 2009

This Aint Your Average Toolshed!

A toolshed is used for.....storing tools? In some cases maybe, but not at Laura McGuire's M street home in Dallas.

She turned her rundown toolshed into The Dinner Cottage.

D Home featured it as one of their top ten dining rooms.

What a wonderful retreat and such a great place to spend time with friends and family.

Wonder if her tools are under the tableskirt? Not such a bad idea!


My Galveston Cottage said...

I love-love-love this !!!!!
I keep mentally planning my garden/yoga room. Now, I think it's a garden/yoga/dining room. Fabulous! Thanks for sharing. Nice post, -susan

GrannySmithGreen said...

Now that's a great idea. Who says you can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear! Wow. I'm impressed!

Down Comforter said...

How pretty! I want to have dinner there :)

Courtney said...

I absolutely love that idea! That would be a wonderful retreat to share with family and friends!

SimplyGrove said...

How cool!!!!!

The Blushing Hostess said...

Would never have know it was a tool shed. My Husband will really thank me for following suit, I just know it.

Home Decor said...

Wonderful dinner cottage. So colorful and lovely to have dinner.

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