Mar 13, 2008

For all you Hip, Young, Assistants out there...

{design: Krista Ewart; phota via the NY Times}

I ran across this article via a google image search for Ruthie Sommers...

I love hearing who a top designer worked for before they made it big. For example, Schuyler Samperton worked for Michael Smith (I can definitely see the influence).
One reason I love Domino is because they feature the homes of such assistants (Nick Olsen, Krista Ewart, etc.) I belive Mrs. Ewart has even launched her own firm!

{design: Krista Ewart; photo via the NY Times}
{design: Schuyler Samperton who previously worked for Michael Smith; photo via Style Court}

1 comment:

franki durbin said...

you're so great to point that out. how often the assistant goes unnoticed, uncelebrated, unappreciated. I agree, it is nice that domino highlights these up and coming stars!

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