Apr 24, 2008

Outdoor Living

I have long been obsessed with one day having a custom tented cabana much like Katie Stassi's.(picture via la dolce vita)

Although in my opinion, nothing can beat custom, Z Gallerie just made it a whole lot easier to get the look for less. These canopies are very chic and very affordable. Available in three colors (black, lime green, and espresso) I still like the classic black and white combo. Which one do you like?


Unknown said...

I have to vote Brown! But since I always vote brown, AND it was my maiden name, mine shouldn't count;) Do you think this could fit on our patio???

Fifi Flowers said...

I would have to vote for the lime green... but I would have to buy the black and white since my home is a shade of green. These are really FUN!

Anonymous said...

I'm obsessed with them too! I prefer the more natural palettes as well. the green does nothing for me...but I suppose on a sunny day anything goes! These are stunningly beautiful! And leave it to (personal fave) ZGallerie for bringing us these beauties! Brown gets my vote as well. Makes me feel like I'm in the Maldives ;)

Alkemie said...

The canopies are beautiful! I suppose it depends on how one will do their outdoor space. I do like the black and white but wouldn't have minded had there been a red and white choice :)

Lauren said...

I wish one of these could fit on my patio! I think when we look to buy I will have to keep these in mind.

I don't think you could go wrong with any of the three colors, red and white would be sharp as well!

Jessica Claire said...

i guess it would depend on what outdoor furniture I'd have but I love the espresso!

Great find!

Anonymous said...

My instinct said, "Go green!" But once I saw the pics, the green did nothing for me. I'm a classic girl myself, but I'm thinking the brown is the new black--so I'm leaning toward the brown. Would love to interview you girls on our interior design podcast.

Kim Vallee said...

I am voting for the Chocolate. White and brown feels more sophisticated to me than the pure black and white. The Green looks great too; it is more fun. A wonderful find!

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