Nov 26, 2008

Do you match your home?

I love, love, love seeing my favorite celebrities and fashion designers in their homes. I've heard it said that you either do fashion or interiors well, rarely both. You would think that they go hand-in-hand but trust me, I've seen great interior designers in need of a little make-over (or make-under) and uber-chic fashionistas whose homes leave a lot to be desired.

Michael Kors' home seen above is EXACTLY how I would picture it. I think he "matches" it perfectly. His uniform of black blazer, t-shirt, and jeans is reflected in his apartment with a classic and crisp color scheme of black and white. I think his place personifies the ultimate chic, urban, bachelor pad (no ratty leather recliner in sight).
{for more on her home, visit Bandelle}

I have to admit that the home of uber-stylist and MG favorite, Rachel Zoe, surprised me a little at first. I mean she coined the word, "excessories-" when it comes to fashion she is no minimalist. Her home, however, is a great juxtaposition of her personal style. While her persona is over the top, her home is streamlined and dare I say, neutral. I can totally relate, being surrounded by colors and textures all day, I just want to come home to something totally relaxing without any elements that make me ansy or hyper.

{photos from Habitually Chic}

Amy Smilovic's (of Tibi fame) living room is a great example of how bold color CAN be soothing (and that grey and yellow never seem to get old). By keeping her fabrics and accessories simple, she can add that shot of yellow that really wakes up the room.

I love Molly Sims' personal style (thanks, Rachel Zoe), I think she is gorgeous and her homes definitely seem to suit her. Designer Kishani Perera of Fuse ID (check out her amazing portfolio) is the design talent responsible for her chic abodes.

I love the living room in her L.A. home just as much as her NYC living room.

{check out more on M.A. Belle}
Eva Jeanbart Lorenzotti, the creative mind behind Vivre, is the proud owner of my all time favorite closet. I just found the other shots of her home featured in Global Guide, and they do not disappoint. I love the rich textures and colors...her home definitely reflects a cultured, well traveled fashionista!

So, what about you, do you feel like your home matches what's in your closet?

1 comment:

High-Heeled Foot in the door said...

I like to think that my home matches my fashion style. Your home is an extension of you. So It should reflex your style and not look like a showroom or hotel. I know when people step foot into my home they know that it is my taste and just looks like me.

Lately though I've been putting a lot more money into my home and not my clothes. So my home is reflexing my dream clothing purchases!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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