Nov 4, 2008

Eddie, Eddie, he's our man...

if he can't do it, no one can!!
No, seriously...he is that talented...and as this season's Top Design contestant and magazing style editor (he works for Martha) he has been the talk of blogger town.
I don't want to beat this subject to death, but this Eddie- he's really good!

His recent spread in Domino really got our attention- the mag featured his own gorgeous home designed in a color palette of neutrals- black, white, silver, gray, taupe- and he also gave readers tips on how to decorate your home for the holidays.

You can tell Eddie has impeccable taste- just look at his Living Room!

His all white dishes and accessories make for a classy dining area

His bathroom is very welcoming to say the least- black wall paint really makes the shelving and light fixtures pop!

Everyone's favorite piece of his- the refinished secretary

Paloma interviewed Eddie not too long ago- stop over at her blog, La Dolce Vita for more great photos of Eddie's apartment AND to see the before photos of Eddie's secretary- it's amazing what he has done with it! Makes me want to go rip apart an old piece of furniture and do something extraordinary with it.

Some more inspiring rooms that Eddie has worked on...

FYI his blog is very fun to read sure to check it out

1 comment:

No.35style said...

He has great style!

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