Dec 2, 2008

Make it Right

Guess who is on the cover of the next Architectural Digest? It is none other than the remarkably handsome, doting father, and do-gooder Brad Pitt. This man seems to do it all! One day he is running after Pax and Maddox, and the next, he is starting the Make it Right Foundation.

Brad fell in love with New Orleans while he was filming Interview with the Vampire in the 90's. His fascination with this city has never ended. The AD article describes how Brad was aghast at the lack of progress in re-building the Lower Ninth Ward after Brad decided to take it on himself! He started Make it Right- hiring architects from New Orleans and all over the world to design 150 houses in this area for those who were affected by the storm.

Brad welcomes residents personally into their new home and "loves seeing the delight on people's faces when they see how these homes work"

Good for Brad! Can't wait to read this January issue- comes out December 9th!

And coincidentally enough, Brad is back in New Orleans again- last night my brother in law (who is there on business) was at the same restaurant as Brangelina! Apparently they are in town promoting his Benjamin Button movie. You know I would have freaked out over that sighting!


Visual Vamp said...

We love that he and the Mrs. have adopted New Orleans as their home base.
xo xo

Jill Seidner | Interior Design said...

I used to work in a showroom that he frequented! :)

cotedetexas said...

were the kids with them? their daughter is so beatiful and Pax is really adorable too - in fact they all are gorgeous!

Material Girls said...

v vamp- do you ever see them out? I would be stalking if I lived there :)

Joni, their kids weren't with them just two security guards and they were meeting a big group back in a private room but they walked past Jp's table! He definitely wAs not as excited about the sighting as I was and I wasn't even there! Ha. That little Shiloh is precious as are the rest of the kiddos!

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