Dec 2, 2008

Oh Those Floating Walls....

I have been coveting these pages from Decor Magazine of a Minneapolis loft designed by Andrew Flesher of Gunkelman Flesher Interior Design.
Not only are the walls of the entire environment painted white to, " ... create a space that functioned like a gallery where the furniture was also art." but, the floors are sealed with a high gloss white industrial epoxy.  Imagine how that must feel when you wake up in the morning.
I also added from the same issue an image of a  bed floating in space in front of another example of this stunning loft design idea.  This room was created by the always inspirational Vicente Wolf.
Feels as white as the recent snow storm here in Chicago... only a lot warmer!


vicki archer said...

The floating walls are wonderful - love the all white. xv

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columnist said...

I feel as though I have floating walls too, with so much glass - one entire length of the sitting room, and many rooms screened by sandblasted glass. It certainly enhances space.

Lauren said...

love the white- you can rearrange all the time!

johnholdway said...

How do designers find artists? Is that something that is only chosen by the their clients. I am a painter. I get calls and emails from wanting me to use their service. I was wondering if designers use that website.

Anonymous said...

I love these floating walls! What a great idea!

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