Jan 28, 2009

Brown and Yellow, Eh?

I'm always anxious to see what color pairing will be hot next (like the new grey/yellow).  When I saw this bedroom by Phoebe Howard I wondered if I would ever think to put these two colors together.  I think the repetition of the fabric and the graphic statement made by symmetry and rhythm (to throw out some ol' elements of design) make this bedroom really work. 


Jill said...

I think it's fabulous and I love the bit of plummy purple on the decorative pillow. Nice touch!

dee said...

Wow, I really like this! There is something really luxurious about it.

Get Togetha said...

Same color family. I can see how that'll work. I'm thinking if you're not careful that the look can come off as a little granny-ish.

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