Jan 13, 2009

A Great Way to Celebrate Martin Luther King Day AND Prep for the Inauguration!

A group of extraordinary young women are gearing up to host their second annual "March The Mart" event here in Chicago on Monday, January 19.  The walk begins on the 18th floor of the Mart and winds down through the stunning corridors of the famed institution for all that is design in the Windy City.  Their charitable drive is a magnificent effort and the children of the Misericordia Home would agree, is a good time.

This is a great way to get a bit of exercise, view the amazing showrooms without any distractions, support a great cause,  and just imagine the prime parking spots that all designer's covet during the week to be yours alone!  I confess that last year when I attended this event with my daughter, Madi,  it was the best spot that I have ever snagged :)
The event is chaired, manned, and run by the girls themselves.  They are hoping to surpass the success of last year and to provide the Special Children's Charities, which has been the financial sponsor of Special Olympics Chicago since 1969, with a donation that will make a tremendous impact yet again!
Come join them!

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