Feb 18, 2009

Animal House Style

There's a book I have titled "Animal House Style" that I received from my aunt as a gift a few years ago. It is a wonderful book by a designer and animal advocate named Julia Szabo. The book is filled with wonderful rooms featuring animals comfortable in their environments - our homes!

Julia's emphasis is on making our homes suitable to animals without sacrificing style. In the book she mentions selecting leather chairs with chrome or metal legs to minimize chewing and selecting fabrics that are brushed micro-fiber or velvet in colors that match your pet's fur. Her book is filled with many other ideas and tips on maintaining a healthy and functional home for both you and your four legged friend!

What house is not a home without a furry little creature inhabiting it?

This blog is dedicated to my very special cats who are now in kitty heaven. My home is not the same without them.


And least I not forget my dad's pride & joy, Royce, who resides on Balboa Island in Newport Beach and hangs out with the local ducks on the outdoor patio.

Our homes have forever been blessed with animals!

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