Mar 29, 2009

Chicago Modernism Show!

Today, while allegedly taking the day off from work, I enjoyed my job immensely by touring the Chicago Modernism Show and Sale.  The event sponsored by AIA Chicago, Modernism Magazine, and Chicago Home and Garden Magazine was a treat.  I was WOWED by the vignette created by Room With A View.  The illusionist box was already sold (that is what I get for shopping the last day of the event) but it's graphic image and magical provenance was unique.  One piece that would make a room and label an environment one-of-a-kind.  Gotta love the graphic orange walls showcasing the architectural and black and white objets d'art.
Go Scout!  I always look forward to seeing what is in store for me when I hear that this Andersonville star is on the dealer roster.  BTW,  I scored on the Ted Harris "Terrarium" lamp  (his work is available at Scout)  on top of the console in the background. Lucky me!
Larry has done it again...a multitude of color, texture, and layering.  Each piece has a personality... And one that I would like to get to know better.  Proud that he is a Chicago compatriot...and that his shop is close enough for me to raid at will.
I was admiring the vignette created by Alex Chronis of cmodern in Cincinnati for his vast collection of foundry pieces.  This sculpture containing actual pieces mounted on steel drew me in...and then..POW!  I spied the cabinet behind it.  I love when that happens.
This industrial cabinet is so perfect for a mud room, kitchen, or closet application.  Mutli colored "peeps" adorned the drawers.  Just in time for Easter!  No samples were to be had, though :(
A close up.  Just to be sure.
Check this out!  I have never seen anything like these chairs before.....
Hold me back!  This set of 6 Italian Memphis style inspired leather and metal chairs from the 60's gave me the gimme's.  I had to be escorted out of the booth due to excessive use of superlatives.....Wells and Company in Binghamton, NY owns these chairs now but I will be working my interior design magic on a client that I know very soon.
The vignette provided by Room Service, was lovely in it's scope.  The whole space just "worked."  I adore the use of industrial metal pieces alongside the cowhide covered chairs.  Plus, the front table was loaded with peppermint patties.  Perfect pick me up...I scored a share.

The entire portfolio of the Masters Degree Project c. 1948 of Frances Stewart Higgins, was exhibited by Lusenhop Fine Art.
Frances, who studied at Chicago's Institute of Design, was so fascinated by a demonstration of the art of glass color fusing in her study above that she later made it her career.  Today "higgins" pieces of beautiful and always useful art glass can be found everywhere from brides' wish lists for dessert plates to some of the world's great design museums, including the Smithsonian, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Victoria and Albert in London.  Imagine showing up at the Antiques Roadshow with this in hand!  Such a beautiful art presentation possibility...framed and shown on a white wall in it's entirety.
What a good time.  


annabanna said...

the pictures are great and the designs are clasically modern, great display

Ruby Yaniula said...

I love everything...ecspecially Peppermint Paddies!!
I'm visiting Chicago for my daughter to look at the University tomorrow...wish I had been there for the show!!

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