Mar 25, 2009

Rain, rain go away...

It has been cloudy and gross as ever this week in Dallas. And just when you think the sun is coming out and here to stay, it disappears again! I was supposed to take some portfolio pics Monday of a few completed rooms, but the weather has put a damper on my plans until further notice.

Hoping for some clear and sunny skies soon. The room below from House Beautiful seems to put me in better spirits!

I love how they have the one single tropical leaf coming out of a glass vase. Gives me hope that the "sun'll come out tomorrrrrow"....

Wishful thinking!


Lauren said...

so exciting to be taking more porfolio pics!!! good luck & i hope it stops raining soon!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for your blog to help brighten up this dreary day!

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