Mar 22, 2009

You Still Could Be The Big Winner!

The MG's March Design Challenge is not over yet....this challenge will allow you, the entrants, to have the opportunity to have your shelving, of any type, considered for the ultimate prize.  This one lucky winner will receive drawings and ideas for a fully accessorized and professionally designed shelving environment.  
Bring  your shelving on over to me, Julia, via email at with the following criteria by March 31:
- A straight on shot of all shelving or cabinetry.
- Dimensions of all shelves: width, height, and depth.
- An overall shot of the room with the shelving to see the whole space and to get a feel for your design style and taste.
Lastly, add any other tidbits of information that will allow me to build collections that will seem like you have been collecting forever.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Image above courtesy of Traditional Home Magazine featuring a Buckingham ID project.

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