May 3, 2009

Alice's Collection: I'm in Wonderland!

Alice Temperley has designed a small, but attractive collection for The Rug Company consisting of pillows and what else? Rugs!
You can see color and pattern similarities between her clothing line and those products that she designed for The Rug Company.

This 7 foot diameter, rose shaped rug has us wishing we had an extra $4900 on hand to spend!

Her woven cushions consist of fashionable leopard and floral prints, that are completely handmade.

We love when fashion designers move into the home, because what place couldn't use that extra bit of style designed by some of the industry's best!
Now if only I could afford her precious RC pieces...but she has designed clothing for Tarjay before, so there might be hope of me owning an Alice Temperley SOMETHING one day!

1 comment:

Down Comforter said...

Pretty pieces, but I'm afraid to look at the prices :)

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