Jonathan is well known for designing his interiors with graphic patterns, colorful accents, and bits and pieces of glam...take a peek!

{Photos from House Beautiful}

If you aren't familiar with Bargello, it is a type of needlepoint embroidery consisting of upright flat stitches laid in a mathematical pattern to create motifs. (thank you Wikipedia)

But what caught my eye most in this article, were the Bargello pillows that he produces and sells on his website. He has even used them in another one of Liz's homes...remember this room?

If you aren't familiar with Bargello, it is a type of needlepoint embroidery consisting of upright flat stitches laid in a mathematical pattern to create motifs. (thank you Wikipedia)
I used to do bargello. I love the geometry of it.
the cushions are simply great to cheer up the living room. Read more articles on home decoration on finedecoration.net.
the cushions are simply great to cheer up the living room. Read more articles on home decoration on finedecoration.net.
I do remember those bargello pillows....I loved to needlepoint..I guess it just proves that given time, bargello will come back! Loved the pillows.
I love that interior. And his pillows are very current along with that graphic black and white rug! Great post!
I love the first 2 rooms - I think the flooring is what makes them stand out.
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