Things are finally feeling a little more normal after Hurricane Ike here in Houston. Some traffic lights are still out but electricity has {mostly} been restored to the millions of people who went without for so long. I think almost everyone in Houston knows someone who was drastically affected by Ike, but our city has really rallied together in an impressive way.

My husband and I hopped around from house to house like gypsies (we were without power for over a week) and I wanted to share the LOVELY guest bedroom we stayed in a few nights. Our friends, Katherine and Brett opened their home for over a week to friends, friends-of-friends, pets, you name it. We watched a lot of this....

Had many a laugh about my dog's mad camouflage skills....
We did a little bit of shopping and a lot of eating!
Back to the guest bedroom... I just adore it or as Jonathan Adler would say, it's "j'adorable!" It is a very nice color combination of grey, black, and purple. Here's what I can remember: headboard - Archer by Crate and Barrel; lamps - Neiman Marcus Last Call; Bedding - Chambers by Williams Sonoma; two dark purple throw pillows - Crate & Barrel: prints above bed - Katherine found them in England; nightstands - thrifted, re-painted, & new knobs.
I also think my husband would go to the zoo once a week if he could! Nothing like a nice "hurrication."
Love the lilac and gray combination!
Love the quest nice of your friends.
Your dog on the rug is too funny.
your 'lil doggie made me laugh out loud! too funny!
These pics are great and what hilarious photos of your dog! I love the one of her hiding. Glad you're back home safe and sound!
Ah the Hurrication!
Isn't it nice to have friends and family who open their lovely homes to us?
But I'm thinking of taking a real Hurrication the next tiem, like book Jet Blue to NYC, or a flight to Paris ha ha
xo xo
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