Through blogging, we come across a lot of creative, inspiring people and one whom we just adore is Valorie of Visual Vamp. She loves all things beautiful (which is definitely something we have in common with her!) Her blog covers decor, fashion, travel, trends, art, music, television, movies, and just life in general. She is as sweet as can be- so hop on over to Visual Vamp to get your design fix for the day.
Yesterday she created an outstanding design board for our Material Girls/Swank Lighting contest of Ugly Betty's new Manhattan apartment- view it here!
I guess there's too many V's in the world! It's Valorie here! ha ha -
Though Vivian I'm not, Valorie I am, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for posting this.
You are generous and gracious women of quality.
xo xo
Omg so sorry Valorie! It was a late night last night- I think I am going crazy!! I don't know where Vivian came from- but that's pretty funny! Woops. :)
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