I live for going to antique shops...even just to browse....I try to make a trip to one every few weeks to satisfy my antique withdrawl. I love junk shops, resale shops- you name it. I imagine it's because I have a creative eye and a mind that is always thinking "I wonder how I can redo/refinish this piece?" "What color can I re-paint it?" I want something that sparks conversation in my home- not something that everyone else has and that was mass produced somewhere.. (hello, IKEA!)
And White Elephant Antiques is just the place...located off Industrial in Dallas among the row of antique shops, I always find SOMETHING there that I can't live without. And it's very reasonably priced too! The people don't stare at you while you walk in hoping you'll drop $10,000- it's very low key and the people are incredibly friendly and helpful...that is one of the reasons I keep going back.
Some of my finds the other day-

I love funky lamps...

I have always had my eye on this little convex mirror...until I noticed its price tag of about $1200! It's tiny but it's adorable

One of my clients had mentioned that she loves old maps...I found this map of Chester (in the UK) at WE (dates back to the 1800's) for $175- it's really pretty cool in person

A fun lucite lamp...

I love these little sunbursts- $95 each

Pieces of corinthian columns

They have tons of great mirrors...
and mirrored furniture!

I love this bright green chest and the teensy white metal chairs that hang above

My favorite part about antique shops is finding unexpected whimsical pieces (and this place has a ton!)...a random pink beauty shop chair sits in a corner

I wanted this sconce- there was only one there and I needed two! But Lauren ended up finding me some equally beautiful sconces on ebay

Really old, expensive gilt antique chairs sectioned off

I told you there was whimsy! This baby carriage reminds me of one from an old creepy movie- like the Omen..could be a carriage for little Damian!

Mirrors galore
White Elephant Antiques
1026 N Industrial BlvdDallas, TX 75207 (214) 871-7966
I love places like this with little hidden corners with fun things.
Treasure hunting. That place looks great.
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